Interview Tips from the Talent Team
Interviews can be a nervous time even for people with lots of experience. So we put together a short guide to help you shine in your next interview.
At LEVC we conduct Competency-based interviews, each question focuses on a skill or behavioral trait that we look for in new colleagues. Half the questions are technical around your specific area and job role and the other half are behavioural and based around our guiding principles.
Competency questions aim to find out how you have used specific skills in your previous experience and how you approach different situations. These questions often sound like 'Tell us about a time when you…', 'Give an example of…' or 'Describe how you…'
Following the STAR method will ensure you cover all areas to provide a comprehensive answer to the question.
S - Situation- Describe the event or situation that occurred.
T -Task- Explain the task you needed to complete.
A - Action- Explain what actions you took to complete the task.
R - Result- Close with the result of your efforts.
Following this format ensures you don't miss out anything you wanted to say !
As a team we agreed there is some advice that will help you whether you are interviewing in the automotive industry or not. Our best tips are:
- Arrive 5 minutes early to avoid any hidden delays
- Try to relax a little to let your personality shine
- Research the company and job as much as you can
- Run though practice questions to get your ideas flowing
- Remember you are interviewing the company just as much as they are interviewing you- prepare some questions to make sure they are the right fit for you!
Good luck at your next interview, you've got this!